Providing loyal and experienced services for the Maritime Industry in Fire & Safety Services around the world.
Providing loyal and experienced services for the Maritime Industry in Fire & Safety Services around the world.
is a company that specializes in Maritime and Offshore Fire Fighting & Safety Services.
We are a class recognized service agent specializing in the marine, shipping and offshore industry locally and internationally for surveys on Fire, Safety & Rescue equipment.
Our classification includes ABS, DNV-GL, Lloyd’s and we are recognized by ot
is a company that specializes in Maritime and Offshore Fire Fighting & Safety Services.
We are a class recognized service agent specializing in the marine, shipping and offshore industry locally and internationally for surveys on Fire, Safety & Rescue equipment.
Our classification includes ABS, DNV-GL, Lloyd’s and we are recognized by other Classification Societies.
The company also provides services, safety surveys and retrofits throughout Australia, South East Asia and Oceania.
All work and services carried out are to appropriate classification requirements and state and federal regulations.
Our technicians have valid BOSIET and Medical certificates and are highly trained.
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